
Imagine this scenario – it is Sunday evening, you have made it into bed when someone near and dear to you calls you and reminds you that you promised to walk the dog for them. Most people would drag themselves out of bed (yes, there might be some grumbling) to keep their promise. 

What will you do to uphold a promise you made?

We make a lot of promises, some big ones, and some small ones. Yet, did you know that not all promises are created equal? You are breaking more commitments than you think. 

Someone I know is an amazing dad. Despite a full-time job, he always makes his family a priority. When his eleven-year-old daughter looks at him with her big blue eyes and curly hair and asks, ‘you promise you will be there?’, he will re-arrange his work schedule to be there. At work, he knows his teams depend on him. Everyone appreciates his dependability and knowing that they can always count on him. He even goes the extra mile to ensure his aging parents are well taken care of. 

Keeping commitments feels gratifying and rewarding. 

He is also a fantastic artist and has been dreaming of starting his own business for years. Year after year, he promised himself a lot of things that would have taken him toward the direction of his dreams. Even though he is a master at keeping commitments with others, he has disappointed himself so many times that his goal of owning his own art business seems to be drifting more and more out of reach. Often, he feels frustrated and disappointed at himself. 

Not following through on promises has an impact — even the promises we break with ourselves.  Every broken promise is a step away from the goal we want to reach.

What is a promise to yourself that you have broken?

It is not about making yourself wrong or pointing fingers. It is about you honoring yourself, knowing that you are as important as all the important people in your life. Your dreams and goals deserve the space to unfold. 

This week, change things around. 

Be intentional about the promises you are making to yourself – only take on the ones that you are ready to uphold.. What will you choose?  (I would love to know!)

Wishing you an inspired week

Do you need some help with keeping your promises or figuring out why you aren’t able to? Reach out and I can help!